Say these gems to manifest presence when you feel your mind wandering into the habituated space of selective hearing, mindless scrolling or unconscious habits. Write them on sticky notes if you have to and place them around your house.
Dear Universe, I am ready for love, I am ready for happiness, I am ready for abundance. So be it, so it is.
1: I am here right now. All that exists is now.
All that exists is right now. The past has already happened and the future is yet to unfold. Imagine that your body is a map at your local mall. Visualize that you can see your heart on the map and it has a little sticker on it that reads: “YOU ARE HERE”. Why? Because you are.
2: I am in the perfect place at the perfect time.
The Universe, God, Divine Mother (whatever name you wish) all have a plan for you. You are currently playing out sacred contracts that you agreed to with your higher self. You’re currently living an echo of what has already manifested in the non-physical realm first.
3. My point of power is in the present moment.
Each and every moment presents you with a point of choice. You can choose love or you can choose fear. I was explaining this to my 5-year old daughter Lulu when she was fighting with her little sister, Ava. I told her: “You can choose to be kind, or you can choose to be mean. Which one do you want to be?” When you remember that you have power in the present moment then you make better choices to guide your experience.
4: I allow myself to feel my feelings no matter what they are.
Many of us tend to not want to sit in the messiness of the present moment if it doesn’t feel good. The best thing to do is to get curious about what your feelings are trying to tell you and how they are trying to help you to grow as a person. Take ownership of your emotions and watch your life radically change.
5: The Universe speaks to me in the present moment.
Your intuitive faculties are strengthened in direct relation to your ability to show up to each moment with compassion, curiosity, and stillness.
6: I do the best I can, with the resources that I have, I am grateful.
The best way to get anchored into the present moment is to take a breath and choose at least 3 things to be grateful for. When you take a moment to appreciate what you have in the present moment, then you activate the magic of the present moment.
7: I am a resilient soul.
Show up and be of service as much as you can because The Universe is calling you to step forward and to be the best version of yourself. You have infinite strength and wisdom when you remember to be present.